Andy Park
Ph.D. Candidate @ Carnegie Mellon University
Hello! I am a third year Ph.D. candidate in Physics at McWilliams Center for Cosmology, Carnegie Mellon University, where I am advisded by Rachel Mandelbaum studying observational cosmology.Prior to graduate school, I recieved my B.S. in Mathematics and Physics (specialization in Astrophysics) at the Univeristy of California, Irvine.
My primary research area is weak gravitational lensing with a particular interest in utilizing statistical and machine learning methods to perform cosmological analysis on large survey dataset, such as the Vera R. Observatory's Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), the Subaru Telescope's Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), and the Roman Space Telescope. My research focuses on 1) turning large dataset into inferences on cosmological models using statistical analysis and 2) analytical estimation for weak lensing distortion from a large ensemble of galaxy images.

Title: A Consistent Cosmic Shear Analysis in Harmonic and Real Space
Authors: Park, A. et al (in prep)
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Title: A Joint Roman Space Telescope and Rubin Observatory Synthetic Wide-Field Imaging Survey
Authors: Troxel, M.A., Lin, C., Park, A., et al
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Title: Simulating image coaddition with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope: I. Simulation methodology and general results
Authors: Hirata, C. et al (incl. Park, A.)
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Title: Simulating image coaddition with the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope: II. Analysis of the simulated images and implications for weak lensing
Authors: Masaya, Y. et al (incl. Park, A.)
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Title: The LSST-DESC 3X2pt Tomography Optimization Challenge
Authors: Zuntz, J. et al. (incl. Park, A.)
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